Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Don't Mess with Texas!

One of my favorite pictures of Kaydree at the photo shoot we did.
She is going to be a top model at the age of three....I am so proud.
I couldn't believe it but she posed herself like this and smiled perfectly....the last shot of the day was the perfect picture.
Seems like it runs in the family that we can't keep our eyes open...the sun was super bright. We went to Babe's for dinner...all country dinner. I am holding up our doggy bag of our fried chicken that was left over.
Yeah that is right we were in Texas so of course there was a bench that says Texas on it.
Carver needed his picture taken too during the photo shoot...this was one of my favorites.
I love this picture of Kaydree...she looks so innocent and cute. Don't let pictures fool you!
Another one of my favorites....she looks like a princess!
I love the lighting in this picture. I was just kinda messing around and got a couple of good pictures every once in a while.
I love when Kaydree laughs...I actually caught it on camera.
Texas was so much fun and we did so many fun things that I can't even count but to list a few:
Went to the gardens to take pictures of Kaydree
Went to Babe's...amazing fried chicken and potatoes
Went to Cabellas...the zoo and looked a stuffed animals
We had Kaydree's birthday pary with 17 kids between the age of 2-4
Me and Kaydree learned how to be princesses and had tea...many times
Had preschool and gained a couple of three year olds as friends
Shopped...way too much according to my dad...but not enough according to me
Played in the park....a lot of swinging
Went to a lake and got sand in my pants....Kaydree insisted on burying me in the sand
Watched Tyra almost everyday...as I would fall asleep
Ate amazing food....thanks to Carrie!
Helped make ladybug pupcakes
Cleaned the church
Watched Kung Pow Panda...lots of popcorn!
Went to Fort worth ate the most amazing peanut buttercup, read in barnes in noble, and kissed a bull
Yeah I think we did more but you get the idea...so much fun!
Thank you so much Ryan, Carrie, Kaydree, and Carver for making Texas feel like home.

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